Cooperation between the Free Legal Aid Center and NGO Docudays is aimed at the implementation, protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, raising the level of legal consciousness of the population. The memorandum envisions the organization and hold joint informational activities and events on legal law education: conferences, seminars, round tables, meetings, etc. Expert, advisory, and other necessary assistance will also be provided during public discussions, debates, and joint informational activities and events on legal law education.
"I will provide an example of effective cooperation between the Docudays UA film club 'Poglyad' and the Charitable Foundation 'St. Olga' from Gola Prystan and the Free Legal Aid Center. They hold screenings in employment centers, probation centers, schools, and NGOs. Experts from Free Legal Aid Centers participate in almost all events. When the film club had just started to hold the screenings at the Hola Prystan Employment Center in 2015, the audience was small, and people asked: "Why are they showing us this? How will it help us?" When experts from Free Legal Aid Centers were invited to the film club, the audience had grown," said Svitlana Smal, the Executive Director of NGO Docudays. "For example, people watch a documentary about modern-day slavery and immediately receive legal advice on how to protect themselves from slavery, when looking for a job in a foreign country. Then a lot of viewers went to counseling Free Legal Aid Centers. So the number of Free Legal Aid Centers clients is constantly growing. And we have a lot of examples of effective cooperation between docuclubs and Free Legal Aid Centers in each region,” she continues.
Alexander Baranov, acting Director of the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision, says: "We are expanding and deepening the cooperation between Free Legal Aid Centers and NGO Docudays. I am convinced that each party will contribute unique experience, knowledge, and resources to raise the level of legal consciousness of the population." For DOCU/CLUBS this cooperation will provide an opportunity to expand the Network, exchange information, engage new experts in discussions, and work together to conduct work on legal law education.
Photo: Facebook archive of the legal clubs PRAVOKATOR, an organization within the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision.
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