Travelling Docudays UA invites everyone to participate in #ecooko Instagram-competition dedicated to the ecological problems in Ukraine.
Travelling Docudays UA invites everyone to participate in #ecooko Instagram-competition dedicated to the ecological problems in Ukraine.
The competition organized by our festival aims to draw attention of the active citizens of Ukraine not only to the global problem of climate change but to the more specific negative influences of human activity on the environment. To participate in the competition, publishing your works (photos with description text) that tell about the harmful influence of human activity on the environment in Ukraine (reasons and consequences of the pollution) and/or show the ways of solving ecological problems.
First competition #ecooko was held during Docudays UA-2017 this spring.
This idea is inspired by #EveryDayClimateChange photo project. It is an Instagram feed where more than 40 photographers from 5 continents tell about the consequences of global warming all over the world. The project combines photography, ecoactivism and social networks to document the consequences of climate change on our planet, spread the information about these processes and encourage people to unite in fighting them. The photos demonstrate that climate change is an everyday reality for all of us, a reality that demands determined and united counter-action.
Who can apply
Every willing Instagram user all over Ukraine.
How to participate
Publishing a photo that corresponds to the competition theme on Instagram with hashtags #eсooko and #DocudaysUA, detailed text that explains, how the photo reflects one or another ecological problem in Ukraine.
Attention! Using the correct hashtags is essential for participation in the competition. If the hashtag is incorrect or absent, the selection team won’t see your photo.
It is also important that the photo is described exhaustively because the works will be rated by their contents. The artistic value of the photo will be taken to the account with the text. You can upload the unlimited number of photos for competition.
The deadline is December 31d 2017, 23:59 by Eastern European time.
Photos uploaded later will not be considered.
At the beginning of January, Docudays UA team will announce the winners who will get special prizes – souvenir presents and passes for Docudays UA-2018!
Main photo: Photo by Oleg and Dariya Promakhov, one of the finalists in #Ecooko competition at Docudays UA-2017. (This is the side of the river Dniester. The village of Bakota was flooded when the New Dniester Hydroelectric Station was built)
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