- Human dignity
- Minority rights
- Right to freedom of movement
- Discrimination
- Journalists
- Students
- Activists / NGOs
Victoria, Mariana and Vasco are three young Mozambicans with physical disabilities, living in the townships of Maputo, Mozambique’s capital city. Victoria transmits the self-esteem she received from her education to other physically disabled women by organizing a fashion show; Mariana uses her social energy to create helpful friendships and overcome urban architectonical barriers and Vasco does business, repairing shoes in the informal sector. The film explores how they look at themselves and others and raises universal questions about how to find one’s place in society.

Matthieu Bron was born in France in 1976. Studied cinema in France (Paul Valery University, 1994-1997) and Sociology&Industrial Psychology in South Africa (UNISA 2005-2009). Making films since 2000 in Mozambique where he lived from 1998 to 2011. Works 3 years in the private sector as video editor (documentaries, fictions, corporate, etc.) In 2002, he founds the company MEETINGS in Maputo; produces and directs films on social development. Recently moved to Denmark and works in the film industry. Body and Soul is his first feature length documentary; it was shot in Maputo’s outskirts over more than three years.